Friday, March 16, 2012

Warm Weather and a Great New Opportunity

It's been a couple weeks since I last posted, but I've been so busy.  The weather here is finally gotten gorgeous.  Right now, it's 72 degrees out at 3 in the afternoon.  Love it.  Saturday, there was still a little snow on the ground and Bug and I took the dog out into the back yard to play.  He decided to help me out with a little cleaning. 

I've also started selling Wildtree.  What's Wildtree?  It's the "middle of the grocery store" delivered right to your door.  It's natural, no preservatives, yumminess.  They even have a gluten-free line. I will be doing a giveaway shortly, once I have everything organized.  Right now, everything is a mess since we don't want to be in the house when it's go gorgeous outside. 

Today was short but sweet.  Got to go out and enjoy the sunshine and record breaking temps!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Woolite Complete Review

I mentioned last week that I would be getting a couple things to review.  I received the Woolite Complete Liquid Detergent late last week, thanks to Smiley360.  I have gotten quite a few "missions" from them and have loved doing them.  If you're interested in joining this free service, just use this link and sign up.

Anyway, back to the Woolite.  With an active now 2-year-old, you know his clothes get DIRTY.  I've had problems getting some stains out with other detergents, ketchup and chocolate cookies being just two of them.  And he loves his cookies and ketchup, just not at the same time. I actually took two kitchen towels and rubbed both with ketchup and Oreo cookies and washed them both, one with Woolite Complete and the other with another brand.  The Woolite got more of the ketchup out, but not all of it.  There was a slight shadow from where it was.  The other brand left a dark, noticeable shadow.  They both actually got the cookie out completely. 

According to their website "Woolite COMPLETE gives all your clothes the right balance of cleaning and caring. It doesn't contain harsh ingredients, so it won't cause stretching, shrinking or fading. With Woolite COMPLETE, you can keep all your clothes looking like new!"  I'll have to use it a while on some newer clothes to see how they hold up with Woolite Complete before I can say for sure.

You can check out the Smiley360 Woolite Complete Mission yourself at: Smiley360 Woolite Complete

Thanks Smiley360 for my complementary bottle of Woolite Complete care to review. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ugh, it's been too long!

I am going to make a resolution about a month and a half after the New Year.  I never stick with the ones I make at New Years.  I am going to TRY to update once a week, whether there's something going on or not.  I have a couple of  products that I get to review coming up and I'll have those reviews posted. 

Bug turned 2 on Sunday and we went to HuHot for a late lunch.  He showed just what a big boy he's getting to be.  He ate a whole plate of yumminess and ate it all with chopsticks.  OK, they were cheater chopsticks with the tops rubberbanded together, but he still ate everything with them.
Not the greatest of pictures since they're with my cell phone, but you can see how good he did with them.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I love my FB giveaways!

I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated! I keep telling myself I need to do it. But there's always some reason I don't...Alek isn't sleeping yet, I have dishes in the sink, laundry has to be done, the list is endless.  Well, tonight, Alek is sleeping, the dishes are done, thanks to Dallas, and the laundry is done...well most of it's done.

I have been busy entering all the giveaways that I can on Facebook (FB). I really can't believe all that I have won.  And I'm not just talking about the prizes, which have been great. I've found some awesome sites that I have shopped at because of the giveaways.  Sites like Family Funk, Cow Patties Cloth Diapers. Some of the things I've won are a gorgeous blanke from Kiki Kiddos, a Scentsy room spray from Anita Adkins, a WAHM package of a wool dryer ball, 2 bars of soap and 8 cloth paper towels from Made by Mom, a custom sibling shirt from The Trendy Toddler Boutique, a $50 GC to Shoebacca from Bunkhouse Bargains, a t-shirt from From Proper to Rocker, $25 GC for Amazon from ThredUp, and a crochet cow. And that was just in the past couple weeks. If you have the time, it's a lot of fun to enter these giveaways.  But be warned, if you have a boy, there's about 2/3 girl things, like bows and headbands in them. I love watching for the mailman lately!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wow, A Month Goes By Fast!

I can't believe that it's been a month since I last posted! November really flew by.  We started off with D, the oldest turning 16! I really feel old after that.  Add to that, High School Bowling for D and Thanksgiving, then throw in a couple winter storms and that was our November.

The first weekend in November, DF, Bug and I went to a small town called Wishek, ND for "Germanfest".  It's actually a annual family reunion for DF's family.  It's something I look forward to every year.  But this year, nobody made sauerkraut and there wasn't a whole lot of kuchen, two of my favorite things.  Bug did get to try a ton of different types of food and loved everything.  It was a great weekend, except for two things. The furnace in our camper wasn't working and it got down to about 35 that night so it was a snugglefest with DF, A, myself and our puppy, Sasha.  On the way home on Sunday, we were about 120 miles from home and my truck died.  If it wasn't for DF's mom only being a few miles ahead and her having AAA, we would have been stuck there for quite a while.  The tow bill was over $400! But I wanted it towed to where I work, since I have an account. And thank goodness I did. Turned out to be the catalytic converter was plugged. the fuel filter was still the original one from 2004 and the fuel pump was going out.  The final bill was over $900.  That's going to cut a nice hole in Christmas gifts this year.

D's birthday was uneventful.  He's working tech for his high school play so he didn't get home until close to 10 that night and as usual, heads right for his room, so he can talk to his girlfriend that he just saw at tech.  We didn't do much, because of the play and all the late nights he's putting in until it's done this weekend. 

Thanksgiving started off with storm #1.  It dumped about a foot of white fluffy stuff by noon and then started blowing it around.  Not fun driving in it when you can't see the road at times.  Bug, D, C and myself spent at my parents' house in the afternoon.  DF had to work late the night before so he slept most of the day.  Nothing too exciting there.  Bug had his first real turkey (not the stuff in the jars), stuffing, and scalloped corn, which my mom hasn't made in about 15 years at least.

We went out to eat with DF's mom that night since she worked most of the day and didn't want to cook when she got home from her nursing shift.  Man, can Bug put away a sweet potato.

I decided to stay home on Black Friday, since there wasn't a whole lot I saw n the ads that I HAD to go out and get.  I did do some shopping online, though.  I picked up a Jingle Bell Pack and the holiday scent "Sugar Ray Plum" from RnG.  It took about 3 hours for my order to finally go through since the site kept crashing (sorry Kim).  I bought my first Rumparoo, 2 FuzziBunz (for $10.95 each), and 3 Cow Pattie pockets for 60% off. (Megan, you rock! Thanks for all the hard work you did for that wonderful sale!) I finally get my skulls! I also got a MN Vikings one as a surprise for C and DF since they are both Viking fans.  I also got a Christmas one that will be so adorable on Bug. 

The month of November closed out with another winter storm. Not as much snow as the one on Thanksgiving, but a lot more wind so it was no fun heading to work after a 4 day weekend and not being able to see the road. 

But, we all made it through November in one piece.  I'm going to TRY and post once a week, every 2 weeks at the most, but dont' hold me to it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

1st Halloween

We had our first Halloween with the little one.  Let me tell you, it was pretty fun.  Our first stop was my parents house for supper, sloppy joes, baked beans, and dirt pudding.  My little Tigger was a pig.  He ate half a sandwich, a BIG spoonful of beans and half his pudding.  Grandma tried to feed him a whole M&M, which didn't make mama too happy.  He did love his teddy grahams, though and ate most of the bag.

Next was to our daycare house.  Jen thought his Tigger costume was "just precious". She had to get a picture of him with her 2 boys and her grandkids.  That was interesting trying to get a 13-year-old, an 11-year-old, 4-year-old, 2-year-old and a 9-month-old to look in the same direction all at the same time.  Good thing she had new batteries in her camera.  Her 13-year-old wanted us to come around to a few houses in their neighborhood so he could show off how cute Tigger looked.  Wasn't that just sweet?

We got home around 6:45 and he was crashed in the truck.  He didn't even wake up when I took him out of his carseat and brought him in the house.  He slept on the sofa for over an hour with the doorbell ringing and the kids laughing.  He was tuckered out.


We had won a chance to give out some new Snickers Peanut Butter Squared and they were a big hit.  They won't be out until this winter, but we were able to pass out quite a few bags as a sneak peek.  They were a big hit.  There were kids coming back and trying to get more.  Sorry, teenagers, but you stand out and are memorable and can't get away with it anymore.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My First Shot

Hi. My name is Dayna and this is my first shot at a blog.  I'll tell you a little bit about myself. I have 3 boys, ages 15 years, 14 years and 8 months.  Yep, I started over.  As my fiance likes to say, we know what went wrong with the first two so now we can get it perfect. LOL We live in Fargo, North Dakota.  Find Texas on the map of the US and go straight north until you can't go any farther.  That's North Dakota.  I've lived here all my life and love it.  We are not all hillbilly redneck farmers. Just about 75% of the state is.  Just kidding. 

I wanted to keep track of what I like and don't like about different diapers.  We started with fluff about 2 months ago, so I'm by no means an expert.  Not even close.  I have managed to get a lot of different types and brands of diapers.  I'm still working on what we like and what we don't like. 

I will try and post links to different giveaways that I find that I like.  You may not be interested in them, but there are a lot of them if you take the time to look. A lot of people post on Facebook that they are having a blog giveaway.  You can check there.

I'll probably post some pictures of my little stinker from time to time.  Like all parents say, I think he's just adorable. 

Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog. As Tigger likes to say "TTFN"